
Tahia Macias

Ph.D. - Business Administration (Management)

Richmond, KY USA


(312) 772-2564

Print CV

Primary Research Interests

Leadership; Organizational Justice and Injustice; Organizational Culture; Work Engagement; Employee Performance; Individual Differences; Business Ethics; Diversity; Organizational sciences/I/O Psychology/Management theories; Human Resource Management.

Research Projects Under Development

Alam, T., Carter, M.Z., & Kamran-Disfani, O. “Investigating why and when COVID-19 triggered psychological distress relates to work behaviors”. Current status: Editing manuscript in preparation for submission to Journal of Business and Psychology.

Alam, T., Rai, P., Chapman, M., & Carter, M.Z. “Supervisor Interactional Injustice and Employee Work Behaviors: Mediating Role of Distrust”. Current status: Editing manuscript in preparation for submission to Psychological Reports.

Alam, T. “Cognitive frameworks of different types of Social Entrepreneurs”. Current status: Editing manuscript in preparation for journal submission

Alam, T. “Cooperative, Competitive and Hybrid Motivated Information Processing in Teams”. Current status: Editing manuscript in preparation for journal submission.

Alam, T. “Impact of Transformational Leadership on Millennial employees: Mediating role of Trust and Person-Organization Fit on Stress and Job Satisfaction”. Current status: Editing manuscript in preparation for journal submission.

Alam, T. “Impact of Big Five Traits on Work Engagement of Millennial Employees”. Current status: Editing manuscript in preparation for journal submission.


Percentages Explained No. of years practicing skill daily with 1 yr. being 10% and 5+ yrs. being 100%

Leadership Experience


Data Collection and Analysis

Regression Analysis & Linear Regression


Hierarchical Regression & Linear Modeling


Correlation & Power Analysis


Moderation & Mediation


Bootstrap Procedure w/ Monte Carlo Approach




Convergent & Discriminant Validity




Statistical Software Tools

MicroSoft Excel








Amazon Mechanical Turk









Work Experience

Subject Matter Expert / Cengage Group
June 2023 - present

Business Administration
HR Management
E-Learning Development
Scientific Writing
Strategic Management
Human Resources (HR)
Organizational Behavior

Associate Faculty / The University of Arizona Global Campus
Sep 2023 - present

Course Instructor (Online Asynchronous):
MGT 302 - Foundations of Production and Operations Management (Two semesters)
Business Administration

Visiting Assistant Professor, Management / Eastern Kentucky University, MMIB Dept.
Aug 2022 - May 2023

Developing and teaching undergraduate and graduate upper-level Management courses, engaging in scholarly activities and service at the department, college, and university levels.

Instructor of Record (Organizational Design & Structures) / Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Aug 2019 - May 2021

As a primary and sole instructor, design course curriculum, prepare and deliver class lectures, assign and grade case studies, assignments, quizzes and exams for undergraduate business students. Taught both in-person and online (via Zoom).

Research & Teaching Assistant (Management Department) / Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Aug 2018 - May 2022

Assist professors in the Management department with conducting research and teaching business related courses (e.g., Organizational Behavior, General Management). Primary duties include assisting with manuscript formatting, archiving and reviewing relevant research articles (theoretical and empirical), responding to students’ assignments and course related inquiries, grading class assignments and exams, and test proctoring.

Graduate Assistant (Internal Audit Department) / University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Aug 2017 - May 2018

Assist supervisor with archiving departmental documents electronically and respond to university members’ inquiries addressed to the department via email.

Research & Teaching Assistant (Marketing Department) / University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Jan 2017 - May 2017

Assist professors with archiving and reviewing project relevant research articles, grade students’ course assignments, keep track of attendance, exam proctoring, respond to students’ course related inquiries, videotape and archive digital copies of sales pitch presented by students as part of class projects.

Front Desk Assistant (Office of University Housing) / University of Louisiana at Lafayette
May 2018 - July 2018

Responsible for handling administrative tasks associated with the department.

Tutor (Student Support Services - Disability & The Learning Center) / University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Jan 2014 - July 2016

Assist undergraduate-level students with comprehending course materials, complete assignments and homework, and prepare for exams. Courses incorporated Science, Business, and Math fields.


Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
2018 - 2022

Ph.D. in Business Administration (Management) - 3.95

Dissertation proposal defended on 06/21 (mm/yy). Title: Investigating why and when COVID-19 triggered Psychological Distress relates to work behaviors: Conservation of Resource and Scarcity Theory perspectives. Dissertation final defense on 03/22, expected graduation by Spring 2022, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC hereafter). Current stage: All but Dissertation (ABD). Abstract: The corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19, i.e., C-19) pandemic promulgated psychological distress among employees across the United States, necessitating the examination of its consequential negative impact on employees’ engagement and work behaviors. Drawing upon conservation of resource and scarcity theory, this research develops a theoretical model that demonstrates how employees’ psychological distress triggered by the C-19 pandemic (C-19PD) sways their task performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and work withdrawal via work engagement. As first-stage moderators, I propose core self-evaluations, servant leadership, and perceived organizational support as moderators of the link between C-19PD and work engagement. As second-stage moderators, I propose task interdependence, constraints, and telecommuting intensity as moderators of the link between work engagement and behaviors. An individual-level survey study was designed to gather a data set of 275 currently employed workers nested in four public universities in the U.S., and the mediation hypothesis was supported. Implications for theoretical and empirical research, limitations and future directions, and practical applications are discussed. Committee members: Dr. Min Z Carter (Chair), Dr. Ye Dai (member), Dr. Gregory DeYong (member), Dr. John Goodale (member), and Dr. Omid Kamran Disfani (member). Courses taken primarily in Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management, Operations Management, and Research Methods

University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2017 - 2018

Completed 27 out of 33 credits in coursework towards a Master of Business Administration degree - 4.00

University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2013 - 2016

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with emphasis in Finance - 3.57

Honors, Awards, & Scholarships

Graduate Research/Teaching Assistantship / Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
2018 - 2022

Recipient of full scholarship to the all-virtual International Servant-Leader Summit
Graduate Assistantship / University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2017 - 2018
Recipient of the Cayenne International Transfer Scholarship / University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2013 - 2016
Certificate of Achievement for Academic Excellence from University Honors Program / University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Academic Services & Conferences

Ad-Hoc Reviewer

Psychological Reports


Academy of Management, Annual Meeting 2022

Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, 49th

Annual Conference, 2022

Academy of Management, Annual Meeting 2021

2021 Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting

Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2021


Alam, T., Rai, P., Chapman, M., Carter, M. Z. (2022). Don’t get mad, get even: Supervisory interactional injustice and employee counterproductive and organizational citizenship behavior. Paper accepted for presentation at the 37th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Seattle, Washington.

Alam, T., Carter, M.Z., & Kamran-Disfani, O. “Investigating why and when COVID-19 triggered psychological distress relates to work behaviors”. Current status: Manuscript submitted to Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2022.


Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2022 SIOP Annual Conference

Western Academy of Management, WAM 2021 Restoration, Virtual Conference

Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, International Servant-Leader Summit, 2021

Academy of Management, HR Division Middle Stage Doctoral Consortium, 81st Annual Meeting

Academy of Management, OB Doctoral Consortium, 81st Annual Meeting, 2021

American Psychological Association (APA), Annual Convention 2021

Forbes School of Business & Technology, 2021 Thought Leader Summit

Professional Activities & Affiliations


Served as a representative of the Ph.D. program in Management, College of Business and Analytics, SIUC, for Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) reaccreditation.


Academy of Management (AOM)

American Psychological Association (APA)

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

Western Academy of Management (WAM)

Southern Management Association (SMA)


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